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Credit Union Marketing

Growing your
financial institution with digital
branch marketing

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Digital Bank branch marketing in today's landscape requires a multi-channel, multi-faceted approach. A website, online reviews, social media, and brand reputation are only a few of the many parts that go into a bank branch marketing campaign.

Digital branch marketing comprises numerous parts: branch location web pages, social media pages, Google Business Profile listing, and more. Each piece plays a specific role in strengthening your overall marketing efforts.

The benefits of online bank branch marketing go beyond driving revenue. Digital branch marketing can result in more awareness for your brand and branch, stronger relationships with your customers, and open up new avenues for your business to grow.

Financial institutions need to stay up-to-date with d branch marketing trends to ensure their branches are always relevant and ahead of the competition.The financial services marketing landscape has evolved drastically, and so has branch marketing. Traditional marketing tactics still have their place, but no bank or credit union can expect to grow without a proper local digital marketing plan.

A deep dive into digital branch marketing

Digital branch marketing: a modern guide
Modern bank branch marketing is about employing digital tactics, like local SEO and social media marketing, and refining old traditional advertising strategies. Using online platforms, tools, social media, and some freshly optimized traditional techniques, modern bank branch marketing allows your FI to reach a larger audience, forge lasting relationships, and reach those who need your services the most.

How digital branch marketing has grown
In the past, awareness campaigns consisted of a newspaper ad, billboard, flyers, and word-of-mouth. In today's digital landscape, bank branch marketing is unrecognizable compared to a few years ago.

With web and smartphone usage at an all-time high, bank branch marketing has evolved to meet the people's needs. Although direct mail and billboards still have their place, a well-rounded,  bank branch marketing strategy now includes social media and blog posts. Not only do these channels provide a higher return on investment (ROI), they also enable your business to reach the right people using targeting and audience data.

Components of modern digital branch marketing
Modern bank branch marketing is nearly synonymous with digital marketing. Like digital marketing, successful bank branch marketing requires a multi-channel approach that utilizes all the web offers and beyond. Although bank branch marketing is always evolving, several prime components play a vital role.

A web page for your branch location
A branch location web page is one of your most valuable marketing assets and the cornerstone of any modern bank branch marketing strategy. It gives you a place to host location-specific content, offer information on your services, and send the right signals to Google for local search engine optimization (SEO). A branch location web page plays a critical role in your banks local SEO. Having information about your local branch(s) on your site, coupled with the right content, can increase the chances your branches come up when people search for specific terms like "banks near me" or "bank in (town)".

Google Business Profile listing
A Google Business Profile (GBP) listing is critical to being found locally. A GBP listing can ensure your branch's address, phone number, and additional details are all accurate and readily available. A GMB listing also gives people an easy way to review your practice. When people search for a bank in the area, your branches and your competitors will all come up with their Google rating, making this an essential signal.

Online Reviews
Banks need to learn how to make online reviews a part of their marketing mix and provide consumers with the information they want. Online reviews now power the new world of local bank branch marketing. According to recent research, 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business, and 92% of consumers are more likely to choose a service after reading a trusted review.

Social media
Developing and maintaining useful social media pages, especially a Facebook page, allows your branch to stay in contact with current and potential customers. You can also answer questions through the messenger feature, which can be a bonus for customers shopping different banks.
Having a Facebook page also gives your customers an easy way to review your branch, which can be an essential signal to those deciding on a new bank.

Lastly, social media is an excellent place to show the human side of your FI. If your branch has a fun costume party or festive gathering, sharing pictures can be a great way to humanize your business even more and help your customers feel closer to your staff.

Content marketing
Creating quality content and sharing it on your branch's location page is an essential part of local SEO and will help your branch location page rank higher on Google, increasing your chances of being found by those in need.

The benefits of digital bank branch marketing
There are many benefits of digital bank branch marketing. Besides the incentive of providing more business, digital bank branch marketing offers numerous perks.

Brand and branch awareness
Proper digital bank branch marketing can help your brand stand apart from the competition. With nearly 5177 commercial banks and saving institutions in the U.S. alone, establishing a name for your FI is essential to capturing an audience.

Build stronger relationships
Content marketing, such as social media, allow you to build meaningful relationships with your customers and potential customers by creating content that answers their questions. You can also answer questions and concerns through social media, humanizing your bank and brand even more. 

Let the Digital Reputation Group put the power of digital branch marketing to work for your FI

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